I finally got a new USB cord for my camera! And so, here are photos from the summer of last year (eek!)
I went to Shake Shack sometime in August for the first time, after having heard many strange and wonderful things about it...I'm making it sound like some sort of fairyland, aren't I?

It came in a convenient little box.

The burger! Was it mind-blowingly awesome? Did it make me have revelations about the way food should REALLY be made? Not at all, but in its defense, it wasn't a terrible burger either.

My ice cream cup!

The incredibly long line outside of Shake Shack. There was such a big crowd that as I started walking into msg I thought that there was some kind of street fair going on.
Shake Shack
Madison Ave and East 23rd St.
Southeast Corner of Madison Square Park
New York, NY 10010