I realized that I still have a few photos left from winter break...and that I should upload them before I forget about them entirely!

A candy stand that I stumbled across somewhere near the Saint-Germain metro stop.

:P Look at all the candy!


The weather was frightful on the last day that we went exploring, so we popped into a warm creperie for a light supper.

Looking out the window

Bonne Femme-mushrooms, ham, grated cheese and bechamel sauce.

A buckwheat crepe with an egg.

La Basquaise- chicken, ratatouille, grated cheese, and an egg.
Anddddd back to ny!

Walking into Max Brenner always makes me feel like I'm gaining weight just by breathing the air, which smells intensely of chocolate. It's thick and dizzying but also kind of nice.

I really, really, really wish that I had one of these chocolate dispensers in my house/room/everywhere I go. They have spigots at the bottom that pour out CHOCOLATE! Sugoi~

Our ooey-gooey and utterly delicious chocolate pizza. I think it was some sort of light dough covered with melted milk chocolate and sprinkled with melted marshmallows and toasted minced hazelnut. Sadly enough, as scrumptious as it was, each bite of the pizza made me feel like my IQ was dropping and that I was slowly going into food coma, so we couldn't finish it.

Delicious but artery-clogging :(

The place was packed as usual.
Creperie Cluny Cafe20, rue de la Harpe
75005, Paris
Max Brenner: Chocolate by the Bald Man841 Broadway (Union Square)
New York, NY
the candy looks really good :(
i want some.
candy!!! I went to Max brenner's for the first time last week with Johnny. Next time will be with you! I never thought of buckwheat crepes but it sounds like a good combination with poached egg.
what does a chocolate pizza taste like?
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