I'm sorry for having completely gone MIA on you guys...I hope you didn't weep into your pillows too much! It is the beginning of the end for me and for many of you as well, meaning that COLLEGE is now upon us. Georgetown is wonderful in most respects and terrible in a tiny, few others, one of which being that all of you are not here with me. I've been spending my days going to class, running around campus and getting fat off the food in the cafeteria. The shopping/restaurant scene here is quite spectacular, as the area around the school is akin to our beloved 5th avenue in its astronomical prices for real estate. I strongly suggest applying here if you want to live and eat like a prince on a pauper's budget. I hope that all of you are doing well at your respective schools! :D
And now, on to the food. Emily sent me these photos from dinner about a week ago but I haven't found the time to upload them until today. Actually that's a lie, I HAVE had time but chose to spend it awkwardly socializing instead. -____- (forgive me! I need to make friends too!)
A bunch of us went to Saigon Grill in Union Square for a farewell dinner of sorts...I don't really remember the names of the entrees we ordered or how all of it tasted, but in any case, here are the pictures.

It was fairly dark inside, as you can tell by this photo.

Sarah's choice of appetizer...I'm guessing this is some sort of vegetable wrap?

The close-up! Look at how it glistens and beckons you to eat it! :D

Chicken skewers on top of clear rice noodles? I should have taken notes or something...my memory is really too foggy right now.

This was my entree so I can describe it a tiny bit better...Mixed vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with thin pancakes served on the side. I've recently realized that I order the same thing whenever I eat out. Boring, right?

This is the last photo from the night..Emily attacks her food with eager chopsticks!
Now I'm off to work on my very first college assignment! I'm trying my best not to fall asleep from sheer boredom....
Saigon Grill
91 University Place (bet. 11th and 12th Sts)
New York, 10003
Good to have you back. Hope you're enjoying college. Keep your pulse rate in check and visit often. =)
looking at this entry makes me terribly sad that we can't call each other up anymore and meet up the next day
looks so delicious.
Its 3:15 in the morning right now and that pictures just made me so hungry.
Ahhh, this particular Saigon is my spot. I've taken mad heads from Hunter there and everyone was really happy by it. It's so different from the one that used to be on the East Side. Your blog is very cute JenKo :)
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