Hey there guys!
I wanted to put up some photos of my fooding adventures, a la
thegirlwhoateeverything, aka MY HERO and everything I aspire to be later on in life :). My family (minus the father) went to have lunch today at Ham Ji Bach, a little place near Bayside. Yes, I know...direct transliteration is so unappealing, particularly for a restaurant. In any case, here are the photos!

Checking out the hustle and bustle

The male JenKo surveys the spread of side dishes...

My mom's choice, Yuk Ge Jang. It's a spicy sort of noodle soup with tons of vegetables and beef. Not recommended for the faint of heart. I think the steam rising up from it is why this photo came out so horribly...

My brother's dish, SanCheDolSotBiBimBap. (God I hate transliteration...) It's just vegetables mixed with rice and served in a hot stone bowl.

Andddd last but not least, the king of all inferior dolsots...the spicy squid rice bowl! This dish is violently spicy and delicious, not merely because of the severed tentacles (of which there are many included) but also because of the hot stone bowl that it's served in. This also applies to the dish my brother ordered, but I think it revealed its true tastiness better in mine. The heat from the bowl continues to cook the rice as you're eating it so that you encounter funny little crunchy bits now and then, which makes the whole experience so much better :)

My next post will be on my ever-popular apple turnovers. I meant to bake them this morning but woke up at ten, oddly enough. It seems that my insomnia has been vanquished for now...
Boo! :D
Nice blog. Enjoy your fooding adventures!
hahaha sorry, I just happened to glance at your status and noticed a URL...so I came here.
learn to take pictures.
kthx! :]
OMG I LOVE KOREAN FOOD. Please eat more Korean food and take more pictures of the food, so I can lust after the Korean food you have eaten and make up having been born Chinese.
When I come back we need to go eat dim sum and korean food. Eat everywhere in Washington please!
Tomorrow begins after you fall asleep. But I'll make an exception today. Definately could use some touching up on the pics or the layout but otherwise great blog, and I can see this is the place you can ooze creativity freely. :D
I'll frequent these posts. Since I lack a blog just come visit often -- a worthy substitute. ;]
The Korean food looked so good that I fed it to my child. Bad idea. I think they can reattach his tongue though. However, if the doctors cannot, it will have been worth it.
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