Hey there guys!
I hope that you're all doing well at your respective schools and that you have tons of good stories to tell me once we get on break! I looked at my calendar today (well not a REAL calendar but the one on my macbook hehe) and I realized that we only have a week and a half left to go before break starts! Since I'm going to be back in ny soon I suggest that we compile a list of places that we should visit (or revisit) and review for this blog! First on my list is Babbo since we WERE going to go that one time but missed our reservation and ended up eating somewhere else...boo~. After Babbo I'm not too sure so I'll just throw out some names and you NYCers can vote to decide where we should hit up: Momofuku Ssam Bar, Donut Plant, Balthazar, City Bakery, Magnolia, art of gelato (or will it be too cold?), Tomoe...er...and then some oldies but goodies like the ktown area, Fay Da, Naruto and maybe even Patsy's. What do you think guys? :P
And now moving on to the meat of this entry...dinner at Miss Saigon! I know that it's a chain and that chains are evil but really, how could you hate a place that serves up delicious, steaming hot bowls of pho??! (By the way, I'm curious as to whether you guys pronounce it like the "fo" in "forreal" or like "pha". I've always pronounced it as "fo" but it seems that people at Georgetown say "pha") Considering how reasonably priced Miss Saigon is, the food isn't half bad :D

This was the biggest bottle of Johnnie Walker that I've ever seen in my life. This photo really doesn't do it justice because the bottle was literally the size of my head.

My dinner buddies for the night: derek and derrick! (Props to Derrick for awesome photo-taking and later editing the photos for me hehe) Note the rice paddy hats used to cleverly hide the lighting.

Fob shot! The monstrous johnnie walker is in the background.

Pho pho pho pho pho! (pha haha). You really can't go wrong with ordering this...I don't remember ever encountering a pho that I didn't love with all my heart. I put a little too much sriracha in this, which made me tear a little but that was entirely my fault.

Mi Xao Don Hoac Mem. Shrimp, scallops, and squid sauteed with vegetables in brown sauce and served on top of crispy noodles. (I was smart and remembered to nick a menu before I left this time hehe)

Bo Luc Lac (Vietnamese steak). Cubed steak marinated in garlic and wine sauce, sauteed with buttered onions and home cut potatoes and served on a bed of greens. I don't know what buttered onions are but I guess the good people at Saigon do. Derrick was very excited about the steak, as he is about all steaks, so I'm assuming that it was henhaochi.

Ahhhhh so many utensils and not enough hands!!! It was funny though, as soon as we got our water the waiter discreetly handed out chopsticks to us. After a few moments we looked around and realized that we were the only table to get them hahahaha.

The tragedy of the noodles that were left behind, aka a record of how Jenko was unable to defeat her pho :(
Miss Saigon3057 M Street N.W.
Washington D.C. 20057
you make me so hungry and sad :( I m fine with anywhere as long as it is good food! I am so excited to see you!!! SO CLOSE! I had a weird dream last night about unattainable donuts. I woke up feeling dissatisfied but I'm not craving donuts though. I just want them.
Well.. I have been to Miss Saigon before with my parents during NSO week or whatever. I must admit it was very good, however, I couldn't get the pho because it was made with beef broth. :( I did have this awesome papaya salad that was o so delicious. You are making me very hungry right now and I really want to go get some food instead of studying.... Hmmmm wat should i order??? o ya and i pronounce it "pho" but i think vietnamese people pronounce it as "fa".. maybe because of their accent? i dont know lol..we should ask christine
haha omg i wish i was there with you guys! :)
it looks delish
but i bet you pho75 in rosslyn is better
i'm telling you RIGHT NOW
that place is crazy good
nice fanguanr,
maybe it is because im really hungry right now, i can taste that steak again in my mouth, blahhh. =]
nice blog, always make me hungry and 군침돌게.. yes! it was very henhaochi, jen. haha
I thought about the waiter giving us chopsticks again after reading your blog... and I can't stop laughing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He seemed so nice when he was giving us the chopsticks haha. The last photo of your pho doesn't look as red as the it really was =D Gosh it's 1:30in the morning and I want that crispy noodle with brown sauce and shrimp again
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