So here is a little peek of what I usually spend my time doing in class...the Deadweight Dragon is a character I made up in Microeconomics one day when we were learning about deadweight losses. He's a dragon who doesn't yet know how to gets him into all sorts of scrapes and adventures in the margins of my notes. (Thanks for uploading it Shannon! :P )

The first caption is "The Deadweight Dragon did not have anywhere to sleep that night" and the second is, "The Deadweight Dragon never did learn the mashed potato mambo..."
I might put up another one of the Integra Bull, another one of my characters, this time from the barren wasteland of my calculus notes. (Hehe get it? Integra Bull --> Integrable!)
Wow. I wish i used my class time as productively as you. If i had an Ape Overture cartoon for photo, I probably wouldn't mess up all my negatives. *sigh* Instead i just listen to the teacher, not fully internalizing the information as you do so elegantly. I will be putting this study technique into practice forthright and posthaste. Hopefully I'll come up with something better than Ape Overture...
hahaha, deadweight loss!
intrabull lol
that was cute ^^
make a chinese monster!
Now you see? Aren't you glad I asked to keep it? DRAW ME MORE PICTURES.
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