So here's a question that some of you may have been wondering about in the dusty corners of your mind: what is UP with koreans and their obsession with fro-yo??! (Or maybe I'm the only one who's been pondering this riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma...) It seems like franchises have been popping up all over the states from L.A. to N.Y. with each city having its own particular brand and the associated fierce brand loyalty. Near campus we have both a Sweet Green and an Iceberry within 5 blocks of each other, and the old Korean men at Iceberry have revealed that they're trying to make a deal with Epicurean to sell fro-yo there as well. It's madness, I tell you! Tangy, creamy madness!
Iceberry is similar to other fro-yo places that I've visited (Pinkberry, Red Mango, etc) but stands out with its lovely variety of fro-yo flavors! The honeydew tastes so much like Melon Bar ice cream that it makes me want to weep with joy. In addition to the honeydew, I think that they have green tea, strawberry, chocolate, and of course, the original flavor. So yea....I will declare my Iceberry loyalty here because uh...Sweet Green has neither awesomely tasty flavors nor mochi. :D

The cheery exterior.

The cheerier interior!

Green tea with honeydew.


All good things must come to an end...
And that's it! Have a WONDERFUL winter break guys~!
Iceberry30th and M Sts.
Washington D.C. 20057
(It only opened a little while ago, so there's no phone number available just yet)
Melon bar ice cream!!!! WAAAA!!!
I luv it too! When we go to korean market sometime, we shall buy tons of it MUHahAHAHa
teeeehehe i am their number 1 customer .
love you jen ko.
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