First and foremost I'd like to thank all of you for actually sitting down and patiently reading my nonsense! I love reading your ever-creative comments ; ) I will try my best to surprise and delight as often as I can, though it remains to be seen whether or not I can maintain this blog at Gtown.
And now, moving on to today's events...After an arduous afternoon spent combing the Chelsea and Union Square areas for clothes/shoes/anything remotely useful in a dorm, Sarah, Emily, and I came across this little Belgian waffle place. As Emily put it, Petite Abeille is somehow both "comfortably dark" and yet sunny enough to cheer up even the most gloomy of downtown shoppers with its waffles and WONDERFUL wonderful coffee.

Lovely girls

I hope you can ignore the glare on the window and appreciate the cuteness of the logo. It's a little bee girl! Petite Abeille! Vive la France!

The lemon yellow interior was nicely decorated with french pop art, mainly depicting the adventures of Tin Tin, i.e. "Tintin contre Batman!"

These are the waffles I mentioned at the very beginning of this post. Though they were so temptingly displayed, much to our dismay, the waffles we ordered came in a sealed plastic bag labeled "Le Pain Quotidien". Amid our cries of 'Poppycock! Poppycock!" the cashier attempted to explain why it was really better for the waffles not to be made at the restaurant itself but bought elsewheres. He said that they were officially designated liege waffles, made specifically in the town of Liege in eastern Belgium and imported to countries where the waffle frontier is a bit grimmer and more desperate. I really didn't care for this explanation too much, except that the slim, trendy man next to us in line asked, "So is this like, you know, champagne? Like you know how champagne isn't like, champagne if it's not from Champagne in France?". Yet another reason why I love hipsters.

The unsuspecting waffle is ripped apart by the GAUFRE GODZILLA! raaaawr. (Please excuse my silliness as I am extremely tired right now)

I really think that I could have had about three more of these...the espresso was lovely in taste but surprisingly had no crema. I guess their espresso machine either drips too quickly or has a bit of a problem with its pressure gauge.

These girls are too cute for their own good.

Annnnd the last photo of this entry with a price menu- an important detail not to be left out! The prices were fairly reasonable and I would probably come here more often if it weren't for college and all that jazz.
Petite Abeille44 West 17th Street
P.S. Please don't let me forget to upload the apple turnover entry as well as the dinner part of tonight! I would have included the latter but I'm almost about to drop from exhaustion so I'll save it for a day when I can actually write coherent sentences.
That was a wonderful entry! I love how you displayed your cafe gotten skills when you explained the reason why the coffee had no aroma. Please don't let this blog die!
was i the godzilla in that picture? hmmm.
but yes, i had a lovely time with you, and after reading this, i want some more iced coffee.
I've passed by that place a few times actually, although I never went in. I think I might just now, for the coffee at least. Also, as a side note, espressos don't typically have cream or any sugar in them. :D
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