I got back from Paris tonight and felt that I didn't have the heart to unpack...so I decided to blog instead. It's definitely fun to take a trip once in a while but having to venture more than 15 feet to get a cup of tea is way too much work for me. I like my hot beverages close and made to my liking hehe. In any case, I'll get around to putting up some french food porn before the week is through.
And now, back to ny and fooding from last week that I never got to blog about!
After homecoming at ye olde high school, Sarah, Johnny, Diana and I trekked down to union square in spite of the severe cold. (It actually wasn't that cold, but I was foolish enough to think that I didn't need to wear socks that day :( ) The holiday fair was bustling as usual but we paid no heed for we had a more glorious destination in mind-namely, Momofuku! David Chang's Momofuku actually has three locations within a few blocks of each other- the noodle bar being the original establishment and the ssam bar and bakery being later progeny. If you haven't heard of David Chang, give his name a quick google so that we can talk about him and how freaking awesome he is. One of these days I'll put up a post about all the chefs I'm madly in love with and why they're as amazing as I fervently claim they are. Erm...and returning from that tangent, back to the food!
We went at a bit of an awkward hour (3?4?) but the place was still packed.
Momofuku Noodle Bar
171 First Avenue (bet. 10th/11th)
New York, NY 10003
Next up:
Chocolate by the Bald Man
Macarons Galore from Pierre Herme and Laduree